Rhythms of Life: A Yoga and Dance Experience

Bodhi Studio

Sâmbătă, 15 Sep, 11:00-13:30

Va invitam sa ne bucuram de o experienta ce aduce impreuna yoga si dansul pe ritmuri de muzica constienta si mantre.

Rhythms of Life: A Yoga and Dance Experience

Va invitam sa ne bucuram de o experienta ce aduce impreuna yoga si dansul pe ritmuri de muzica constienta si mantre.

Sa ne acordam la ritmurile vietii inseamna sa ne acordam la starea pe care o simtim in prezent, la anotimpul pe care il traim, la ritmurile si ciclurile interioare. In aceasta explorare a dansului si a practicii yoga ne vom acorda la ritmul prezent si apoi vom porni printr-o calatorie vindecatoare.

Cu muzica precum leacul nostru vom explora miscari intuitive si ritmice – asane, shakti bandhas (miscari care deblocheaza energia din corp), si miscari repetitive de transa. Dupa care ne vom conecta cu elementele interioare (Pamant, Apa, Foc, Aer, Eter) si vom intra intr-o meditatie prin dans liber. 
Vom termina cu o relaxare profunda si Kirtan ( cantare de mantre – formule de vindecare prin sunet, cantate din inima) pentru a integra calatoria noastra.

Toata lumea este binevenita!


Despre Sivani

Sivani Mata este o studenta a practicii Bhakti Yoga (Yoga iubirii si a devotiunii). Ea a inceput aceasta calatorie participand la diverse intalniri de Kirtan (cantare de mantre) din Londra si din alte tari. Familia GOMA a inspirat-o in mod special sa traiasca in incredere si in spiritul bhakti prin toate aspectele vietii. A inceput sa faciliteze ghidari prin Kirtan dupa ce a petrecut Anul Nou 2009 cu Jai Uttal in tabara lui de Kirtan, si dupa un YTC (Yoga Teacher Training) in Mexic la Institutul de Yoga Yandara, unde o trupa incredibila rezidenta a insitutului, Jaya, a facut Kirtanul un element cheie al practicii.

De atunci Sivani organizeaza cercuri si intalniri de kirtan in UK, si a scos trei albume de Kirtan produse de Tabla Tom, un muzician miraculos de bhakti: I am (2012), Shakti Live (2015) si Surrender (2016). De asemenea si ultimul album Jasmine Garden (2017) care combina Kirtan cu poezie mistica.

Deoarece Sivani s-a indragostit de aceasta practica a organizat si primul festival de muzica Bhakti din UK in august 2011. Acest festival a adus la un loc practici de muzica devotionala din traditii diferite, in spiritul iubirii universale si devotiunii. Dupa aceasta experienta ea organizeaza si BE LOVE – 11 ore de Bhakti intensiv in Londra. Inspirata de practica sa Bhakti, Sivani impartaseste si Yoga Nidra, Yoga pentru Femei, Yoga Restaurativa si Dansul Shakti cu spiritul bhakti, aducand toate aceste practici in inima unde se poate descoperi adevarata natura a fiecaruia.

Sivani Mata este incredibil de recunoscatoare pentru ca a gasit aceasta practica divina si ca o poate impartasi cu prietenii. O puteti gasi pe Sivani pe www.naturalmysticbhajans.co.uk.


* Pentru a iti rezerva locul, este necesara achitarea integrala a pretului atelierului. 

Numarul locurilor este limitat.

Sivani va sustine inca doua ateliere la Bucuresti
Kirtan: https://www.facebook.com/events/218051465714782/
Women's Yoga Circle: https://www.facebook.com/events/790510457739884/

Daca doresti sa participi la toate cele 3 evenimentele sustinute de Sivani Mata in weekendul 15-16 septembrie, beneficiezi de pretul 230 lei, in loc de 260 lei



An exploration of yoga and dance set to a mantra and conscious music soundtrack

Tuning in to the Rhythms of Life is to tune in to how we feel in this moment, the season we find ourselves in, and our inner cycles. In this exploration of yoga and dance we tune into our current rhythm and then take a medicine journey.

With the music as our medicine we explore intuitive rhythmic movements – yogic asana (stretches), shakti bandhas (movements to unlock energy in the body), and repetitive trance movements. Then connecting with the elements in our body (Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether) move into a free dance meditation.

Ending our practice with a deep relaxation and Kirtan (singing healing sound formulas, from the heart, the seat of love within) to integrate our journey.

All welcome.


About Sivani

Sivani Mata is a student of Bhakti Yoga (the yoga of love and devotion) and began her journey with this practice through attending various Kirtan (chanting) evenings in London and on her travels. Particularly with family band GOMA, who inspired her to live in trust and bhakti spirit in all aspects of life. She began to lead Kirtan after spending New Year 2009 with Jai Uttal on his Kirtan camp, followed by a Yoga Teacher Training in Mexico at the Yandara Yoga Institute, where an incredible resident kirtan band, Jaya made chanting a key element. Since then Sivani has been running chanting circles and gatherings in the UK, and has released three kirtan albums produced by bhakti musical magician Tabla Tom: I AM (2012), Shakti Live (2015) and Surrender (2016). As well as her most recent release Jasmine Garden (2017) which blends Kirtan with mystic poetry. Having fallen in love with the path of Bhakti Yoga, Sivani organised the UK’s first ever Bhakti Music Festival (in August 2011), which brought devotional musical practices from various traditions together as one, in the spirit of universal love and devotion. Following on from this she now organises BE LOVE ~ 11hour Bhakti Immersions in London. Inspired by her Bhakti Practice, Sivani also shares Yoga Nidra, Women's Yoga, Restorative Yoga and Shakti Dance with bhakti spirit, centring these practices in the heart to unveil ones true nature.
Sivani Mata feels incredibly blessed to have found this divine practice and be able to share it with others


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