Advaita Darshan: A Glimpse into Non-dual Vedantic Philosophy
Advaita philosophy is one of the major philosophical systems of Indian philosophy. It preaches the non-dual nature of self. It believes in ‘one’ and calls the appearance of ‘many’ as maya [loosely translated as ‘illusion’] and argues that the truth we are seeking is we ourselves. It believes in oneness of the existence. It is a profound philosophy which is studied by practitioners for their entire lifetimes until the truth of the teachings is realised.
I have been a huge follower of this philosophical system since past many years. This philosophy has not only worked as a guide to my spiritual journey but helped me thrive in my day-to-day functions. The application of this philosophy to our daily lives is what makes it all the more interesting and this is the reason I want to introduce it to you all.
It is a pure philosophy. You don’t become a Hindu by studying Indian scriptures. This is a rational, thought-provoking inquiry to our‘selves’. Join me to have a profound conversation on a deeper topic.
The program will look like this:
First I talk, you listen. Then you ask, I answer. Simple. And we close the session with mantra chanting.
Note: I am not a subject matter expert in this. I am not a recluse monk from India. I have only studied it with utmost curiosity and interest by self-study and under the guidance of my teachers, the most important of them is my own father. Once I dived into it, there was no coming back. I invite you with an open mind to this satsang so that we have an experience of joy and peace by the end of it.
Află ce servicii avem pe lângă cursurile de Yoga
Te invităm la o seară de experiențiere a stării de grație dată de practica Meditației Inimii a lui Karunesh, instrument cu o putere extraordinară de vindecare și de accesarea a stărilor rafinate ale Ființei.
Te invităm la un atelier in care prin meditatie, respiratie si imagerie sa te conectezi cu acest corp emotional si sa observi corelatiile dintre minte-emotie-materie. Acest lucru aduce conștientizarea tiparelor, cauzelor suferințelor si in ce moduri în să devenim proprii stăpâni ai vieților noastre
Sambata , 11 Mai, va invitam sa facem impreuna o calatorie prin fascii si meridiane energetice, in care sa exploram propriile stari si emotii, sa topim din tensiuni, sa ne simtim fluizi si liberi in propriul corp.
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